Baptism for the unborn


O God our Father who, in your infinite love for us, wants all men to be saved with the faith and love of the Church borne in its Motherly heart and the \"desire of baptism\" for all the small children of the world. Let us express your love by baptizing all children who today will be killed in their mother\'s womb.

With this act of faith and charity, we pray that the whole Church may:

1. Offer, with the blood of Jesus, through the immaculate hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blood of all the little children killed by abortion, imploring mercy and compassion for mankind for the sacrifice of their lives.

2. Undo the serious crime of abortion, which suppresses the life of one who has been conceived and at the same time deprived of the grace of baptism.

3. Pray for the conversion of all those who carry out abortions or assist in them, this horrible crime \"which signs the condemnation of man, woman, of doctors and of the State\" (John Paul II)

4. Pray for the conversion of those sho by ignoring the Magisterium of the Church and of Christ and who through powerful means of societal communication support, justify and defend this very serious sin.

5. Finally, to invoke mercy on those who, deceived and mislead by these powerful forces, turn away from the love of God the Father.


Recite the Creed, the Our Father and a Hail Mary.


Cardinal Ugo Poletti, Vicar General to John Paul II

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