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Angelic Crown
The Angelic Crown of God and Mary the Mystical Rose
This page is devoted to The Angelic Crown of God and Mary the Mystical Rose, which is made up of 49 beads, divided into 7 groups, separated by a large rose-shaped (7 in total) bead and ending with a Glorious Cross.
To purchase a rosary
If you are interested in purchaising an Angelic Crown please do not hesitate to contact us on the following email address: coronaangelica@compagnie-enfants-non-nes.comThe rosary

This is a powerful tool that will bring many families to God. It will protect those children at risk of being aborted!
This new angelic rosary has the same characteristics as a normal one. However it has also been designed to fight evil in every form: natural disasters, accidents, disease, infestation of objects and houses. The power of God is being manifested in all his glory, so that Christians will be ready at his coming, with their hearts full of love and faith. The simple contact with this rosary while reciting the prayer will \"activate\" the angelic protection and the twenty-one heavenly promises related to it. The angelic rosary will also help those families destroyed because of abortion. In converting these people, and thanks to its power, many children at risk of being aborted will be saved. In the \"Messages from Heaven\" section you can find all the supernatural references which support these claims.
The prayer and the explanation of the origin of the heavenly rosary and the 21 promises are contained also in the prayer book \"Society for Unborn Children\". A short version of this booklet is available for free from the \"Prayer Booklet\" section.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Hoy Spirit,
O God, come and save me with your angels, Lord, come and help me soon.
For the Cross:
Creed (brief version)
First rose-shaped bead
Our Father
For the first three white beads
Hail Mary - for greater faith
Hail Mary - for greater hope
Hail Mary - for greater love
First bead, Mary, first Mystical Rose
O Holy Archangel MICHAEL , \"Who is like God?\", Lead us in humility to fight the demon of pride, that we might become in the likeness of the Eucharistic Jesus, meek and humble of heart, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat seven times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Second rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel GABRIEL, \"Power of God,\" Teach us to give with generousity to fight the demon of greed, so we become in the likeness of Jesus, giver of eternal life, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Third rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel RAPHAEL, \"Medicine of God\" , heal us from all diseases and all sins of impurity to fight the demon of lust, so that we become in the likeness of Jesus, holy and pure of heart, to belong to his royal dynasty . Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Fourth rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel URIEL, \"Fire of God,\" Teach us to be patient to fight the demon of wrath, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, patient Lamb, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Fifth rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel JEHUDIEL , \"Praise to God\", lead us to accept the divine decrees to fight the demon of envy, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, perfect executor of the decrees of the Father, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Sixth rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel SEATIEL , \"Prayer to God,\" Teach us to be temperate to fight the demon of greed, so that we become in the likeness of Jesus, perfect in every action, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Seventh rose-shaped bead
O Holy Archangel BARACHIEL , \"Blessing of God\", guide us in the zeal for the Lord , to fight the demon of sloth, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, committed to doing the will of the Father, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.
On the seven white beads (repeat 7 times):
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.
Let us pray:
O Lord Almighty, that with humility you reveal yourself in the Holy Eucharist, through the intercession of Mary most Holy, the Mystical Rose and of your seven Archangels that day and night worship You by Your Holy Throne, We pray You to grant us your Holy Christian seven virtues to be strengthened in soul with the royal anointing, so that we can defeat all the sources of our illnesses and grant us always your divine providence now and forever. Amen.
Maria Rosa (Mary Rose) was given particular revelations that explain many mysteries in the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, which remains obscure even for modern theological exegesis. However, Maria Rosa had the privilege of receiving particular explanations from Jesus, because his time is near and we should be prepared.
The seer said that she had received one of the most important revelations for Revelation chapter 20. Maria Rosa explained: \"I asked the Lord who the angel descending from heaven with the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand was. The Lord replied: \"He is the head of the angels, the Archangel Michael, who will soon lock Satan and his demons in hell, but in order to do this the Archangel Michael needs your prayers and in particular the daily recital of the Angelic Crown of God and Mary, Mystical Rose.\" Next to Jesus I saw Mary with her hands full of red rose petals and the Archangel Michael with a shining crown in his right hand. Mary was smiling. The Archangel Michael gave me the shining crown, but when I took it I felt and great heat in my hands, a burning sensation. Jesus continued saying, \"I came to set fire to the earth and what do I what will I do if it won\'t burn? (see Lk 12:49) \"With this crown I will bring a mystic fire to the earth and many people will undergo a mystic transformation; cold hearts will turn into hearts that burn for my mysteries , Mary\'s mysteries and my holy angels\' mysteries. You will know what the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jegudiel, Sealtiel and Barachiel do for you and how they will defend my Church in one of Satan\'s last attacks\".
When Jesus had finished speaking, Mary strew thousands upon thousands of the red rose petals she had in her arms over the earth, as a final gift to mankind. Then the Archangel Michael told me word for word the 21 divine promises for those who will recite the special Angelic Crown for the last times .
This crown is made up of 49 beads, subdivided into 7 groups by 7 rose-shaped beads and finished with 3 beads and a glorious cross at the end.
Maria Rosa, why did the Lord give you this new angelic crown of God and Mary Mystic Rose? Weren\'t the ones in use by God\'s people enough?
I will explain straight away. All the other crowns, including the Holy Rosary, are suitable for knowing God, for loving and serving him and seeking his promised grace. This new angelic crown has the same characteristics and is also suited to the battle against evil in all its forms: disasters, accidents, illnesses, infestations of objects and houses.
You just need contact with the angelic crown along with prayer and angelic protection and the fulfilment of the 21 divine promises will come about.
Friends of God can possess this crown, those that are devoted, so that God may show all the powers of his heavenly promises. God is manifesting his power in all its glory, because Christians need to be ready, with hearts full of love and faith, for his coming. He does not want distracted, fed up, bored Christians who follow the ways of the world and not God\'s will, which is sovereign over everyone and everything.
I do not wish to appear doubtful about the power of the angelic crown...but there are such profound promises, that sometimes I can\'t understand them. Be patient with my lack of understanding and explain the mystical promises regarding the recital of the angelic crown of God and Mary and Mary Mystical Rose.
A lifetime is not enough to understand the power of God. Many promises will be understood after reading the book of heavenly promises \"How to be saved from the Apocalypse and the first death\".
Indeed,the first promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be saved from all punishment and will avoid the first death during the time of the seventh seal of the apocalypse; it should be made clear that the punishments are those mentioned in the book of Revelation regarding the righteous and the wicked, but some of the righteous, those with greater faith, the elect, will be preserved from all punishment, including the one caused by original sin, i.e. the first death, which will be transformed into a particularly long life in a restful sleep.
The second promise :
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among those saved with the relief of the elect; this may be understood in the light of the second letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, when the Lord explains how the elect will be saved. Basically, the angels will recognise the elect when they see the distinctive sign of the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose as a spiritual crown of true devotion to God. At the crucial moment of the worst punishment the elect will be relieved by angels and gently and securely taken to safe places.
The third promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will see the risen Jesus come on the clouds; this should be interpreted in the light of the Gospel, because Christ\'s return to earth in order to judge the living and the dead will not be untimely, but will occur at the right time in a precise moment in the history of mankind and in a specific generation.
Maria Rosa, do you know which generation will see the return of the risen Jesus?
Yes, a secret was revealed to me.
Can you tell us this secret or are you bound to particular dates for revealing the secret like other seers?
No! I am no longer bound by any restrictions. The Lord has permitted this interview because I must reveal his wonders. His messages are wonderful, the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose is wonderful. All the elect who will know God and follow him are wonderful because of their royal anointing.
The secret I must reveal is this: the risen Jesus will return to earth on the clouds for the generation born after 1940.
So we are almost at the end?
Yes. By now the Lord is ready to return to earth, but he wants all his churchgoers to be adequately prepared before the final battle between the children of the light and the children of darkness. The promises are related to the end times, then?
That\'s right, in fact this leads us to the fourth promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will have a special protection from the seven archangels both before and during the apocalypse; this is dedicated to those whose faith is weak, undermined by modernity that doubts everything; even the fact that we are children of God. Many people are happy to think they are children of a monkey. However, many forget that the devil is a \"monkey of God\", or rather, a monkey god, like a monkey that appears human, but isn\'t. Thus, the devil is happy if people think they are monkeys\' children. In a way, that is what he is in relation to God!
For this reason God gave the fifth promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will contribute to driving out every kind of demon from the earth, water, fire, air and underground;
many people believe the Devil does not exist or, at most, that he always stays in hell and does not bother people or things. However, the lives of the saints have always showed the opposite. This is why the Lord has provided a formidable weapon to defeat any type of demon with the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose. The devil will flee in terror at the sight of this heavenly crown because you only need to reach for it and the Archangel Michael and the other archangels will make it flee with it\'s tail between its legs. Try it and you will see what unfolds before your eyes!
The sixth promise is dedicated to the elect who will live in the new Jerusalem :
- the Angelic Crown will be among the inhabitants of the heavenly Jerusalem which will descend upon Dozulé; The glorious cross will be made in Dozulé, not by the Church that has grown deaf to God\'s call, but by God himself, who will show his power in this way to those who did not want to believe in the seer Madeleine Aumont or J.N.S.R.
Is this yet another secret that is being revealed?
Yes. Do not go around collecting signatures to have it put up. There is no more time left. Blessed are those who have built small glorious crosses in their own towns our even on their own land because God will be merciful to that town, country or family who have made great efforts to glorify him in terms of energy, money and undergoing humiliation from disbelievers. Poor disbelievers, what a horrible end they will have! It would have been better for them never to have been born than to suffer for their terrible lack of faith. The last anchor of salvation is the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose.
This is why the Lord gave us the seventh promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will never lose faith in Christ and the Catholic Church; many no longer believe Jesus will come back for this generation, perhaps, they think, he will come after the second millennium, in the third millennium. They do not say so, but that is what they think, justifying their laxity and poor faith. However, the Lord will come to help those who seek his help in their weakness. \"Lord, increase our faith\", said the apostles, so we, too, should pray with intensity.
The eighth promise is self- explanatory:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will save 21 relatives in purgatory so they may benefit from the joys of paradise;
The ninth promise shows the power of the Angelic Crown against the devil:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will take away from the hands of the devil 21 relatives bound in vice, atheism or false belief; the devil is always responsible of our poor faith or complete lack of faith, using the smoke of words full of the knowledge of this world that clouds the inner senses of that acknowledge God as their Lord. The Angelic Crown will bring light where there is darkness to many of our relatives.
The generosity of the Lord can be seen in the tenth promise even to those who simply do not know the true God and who unknowingly worship him in false religions:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to save the righteous from other religions; false religions were created by the devil to confuse believers. Dialogue with other religions is useless. The Lord has explained to me even dialogue with other religions is a partially acknowledgement of their claim to religious truth and a denial of the true religion, which is Christianity. Dialogue with other religions is a religious sin! There is no need to have dialogue with other believers, but rather we should evangelise them, as Jesus told us to do. Poor missionaries, they have become like religious history teachers who speak to other kinds of believers as though they were talking about philosophy rather than the sacred gospel of Jesus, who died on the cross for us to glorify the truth of his saving Word!
This is why the Lord gave the eleventh promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to renew the face of the earth; only by prayer we can help the Lord to change the world, not by dialogue, or worse, by chatting in various synods or pastoral committees. We can contribute through prayer groups and families who pray together before the
crucifix. Only in this way we can help the Lord and his angels.
The twelfth promise concerns those who will receive the royal anointing:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive all the gifts of the second Pentecost;
many still do not know what their personal mission is or even have a sense of their own noble dignity, if they have any devotion to Jesus, the King of kings and Our Lady, the Queen of heaven and earth.
The thirteenth promise is a wonderful consequence of the twelfth promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive a crown with his own noble title from the hands of Our Lady, Mystical Rose;
The fourteenth promise is another claim to angelic protection, especially during the three days of darkness when demons will be roam like bloodthirsty wolves over the entire planet on the lookout for lost souls or those with weak faith. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive not only the protection of their guardian angel but also the protection of the seven archangels of the Apocalypse;
The Lord will provide abundant help for those who are physically suffering with fifteenth promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown with faith and love will be healed of their own ills and have the grace to heal those who want it: even diseases come from the devil, who tries in any way he can to make us despair. He wants us to believe God does not exist and that physical and spiritual problems are just coincidence or even our fault. Jesus casted out demons and healed all kinds of illnesses. So much the worse for those who do not believe, because they will never experience healing.
With the sixteenth promise the Lord wishes to extend his protection to those we care about and especially our loved ones:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will protect their own house and none of their belongings will be taken; however believing this requires a special faith that comes from God alone through prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures.
For this reason the Lord gave the seventeenth promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive special revelations to understand the Bible and end-time events so they will not become confused or be frightened;
before reading the Word of God people should call on the seven archangels who will explain the truth to our spirits, a truth we have never known before, because our spiritual eyes were blinded by the spirit of the world.
The eighteenth promise is a consequence of the previous one, for the souls of the elect, for those who have received a royal anointing, like me and many other seers, who will know the secrets the Lord reveals only to his friends:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be able to climb the mystic staircase and know the secrets of heaven;
- Whoever becomes a friend of the Lord automatically becomes a friend of the angels,
Which is why the Lord gave the nineteenth promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will become a friend of the angels and archangels and will see their own patron saints;
The twentieth promise is the crowning of the efforts of the elect towards the Lord, for those who are given a special reward:- Whoever makes the Angelic Crown known will be named in the BOOK OF LIFE with a special title;
The same applies to the twenty-first promise:
- Whoever spreads the use of the Angelic Crown in other nations will have a special place in the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM among the elect and the new kings of the renewed earth.