For more information
B. P. 14
L-5201 Sandweiler - Luxembourg
ARK Project

Help us turn our dream of creating the Association \"ARK Project\"
into reality and to protect the unborn and their mothers!
We need to collect sufficient funds that will allow us to create an association that offers information and concrete help as an alternative to abortion. The service will be at the disposal of any woman who has to come to a decision about the child she is carrying in her womb and will take the form of:
- financial help from the state (government)
- \"sponsored\" pregnancies through private donations (remote prenatal adoptions)
- hostels where women can spend their pregnancy and the first months of the child\'s life in a safe and secure environment
- active help from the parish in support of life
- facilities and services provided by public hospitals and private (religious or otherwise) entities relating to the care of the child
- a specific programme for the adoption of the child
For this to become reality we need to create a team of qualified and motivated professionals who are willing to give their time generously to the Association (we need a psychologist, a lawyer with experience of adoptions, a social worker, a doctor and a priest) who can answer any questions, and who can advise the mothers who to turn to for help. If anyone is kind enough to donate a building that is suitable for residential use to house our association, and where we could provide first aid to mothers and children, then we will also need builders, painters, plumbers, decorators, etc...